Now you're Suckin' Diesel !

Here are a selection of some of the websites I use for planning the ideal cruise or even just a day out:

Cruising Guides and Planning Jimmy Cornell's website for long distance cruising
Cruisenews: the site with lots of links to long distance sailors
Pilot of the Guadiana River between Spain and Portugal
Tide information for Strangford Lough

Weather Routing and Information

World Pilot Charts showing the prevailing ocean winds for each month of the year Weather charts for up to 7 days (wind speed and direction, temperature, cloud cover) Weather Charts for Great Britain and Europe Sea Area Forecast for Ireland
North Atlantic Isobars
UK Marine Weather
Spanish Marine Forecast
Weather forecast for the Basque Country
Worldwide Weather Forecast

Cooking and Recipies

The BBC food website
Irish Recipies
RTE recipies
Donal Skehan's recipies